Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Hell and High Water

Another day of persistent & very heavy rain and high winds.
A horrid day.  All photos taken from the safety of my car!
B6270 flooded in many places between Reeth and Keld
made ever deeper as water pours off the fields through
gateways and gaps in the walls.

The river at Muker

Water streaming down to the swollen river from every direction.

Flooded fields and pastures.

Wainswath Falls roars in full flood.

The river churns angrily. 


  1. When does this all end? You can name it Desmond... Jonas.... and this time it's Prince Henry... I wish it ended asap... preferably YESTERDAY
    Know all your blog followers are with you in thoughts... and hearts... if that's of any help.. it's the least one can do. Take care Chris & Glenda!!

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