Friday 20 March 2015

The Sun and the Moon and what happens when they meet.

On the morning of Friday 20th March 2015 
a partial eclipse of the sun was visible in most parts the United Kingdom.
It was most peculiar to see the sun become crescent shaped as the moon passed over it.
We almost experienced a total eclipse, the moon covered much more of the sun than in these photographs but as it became just a slither I couldn't get a shot of it.
Even though there was only a tiny slither of the sun left it didn't get particularly dark but it did get considerably colder in a very short space of time.  For about 5 minutes it was almost completely silent as the darkening sky fooled the birds into thinking it was dusk!  Then as the sun appeared again the birds treated us to a second dawn chorus of the day. 
A remarkable morning.

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