Wednesday 12th April and at Pry House Farm we officially start lambing today
however we already have a mixed bag of early birds!
Pry House Farm's first lamb and what a good start.
A fine, strong, single gimmer - exactly what we hope for.
A shearling with her first off-spring looking a little be-mused (I remember the feeling well!)
This ewe had a very tiny lamb born about week too early but hey! what a little trier she is.
She is the sort of lamb that Chris shakes his head at and calls a 'bad little bu**er'
but I call her Scraplet! And motherly devotion? Its mother is besotted with it. A joy to witness.
Turned out at only a couple of days old the young, sweet grass on home field will help the ewe to produce plenty milk and the dry stone walls & deep ghyll in the field provide shelter & safety.