Sunday, 5 April 2015

Be Careful What You Wish For!

Yesterday as I drove up the dale there seemed to be lambs everywhere.  Twitter is full of nothing but lambing and we are still a week off starting till today that is .....
This pair of twins were born this morning.  They are 2 weeks early and their mother has not been in good shape for several days.  Chris thought they would be born dead but they are very much alive.
The ewe should start to improve now that she has got her lambs out but in the meantime the lambs are under the heat lamp and being tube fed every couple of hours.
The tup lamb is bigger and stronger and already bleating and trying to get on his feet.  I will bottle feed him next time as he has a good sucking instinct.  The little gimmer may take a bit longer.
Thanks Amanda Owen (Yorkshire Shepherdess) for some 'first milk' to get them going.

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