The last of the hay meadows have been mown ending the 'Year of the Buttercup' but dozens of other wild flowers can be seen on roadsides, river banks, in hedgerows, on the moors and in the case of the picture above, on our garage roof!

Pink Dog Rose

I love the vivid pink of wild Foxgloves flowering against the stone walls

A battalion of Knapweed flowers along the roadside to Keld

Harebells nod their heads in the light breeze; one of my favourites.

Meadow Vetchling



Knapweed and Meadowsweet flower in profusion under the scar, close to Wainswath Falls

Wood crane's-bill

White Dog Rose


and finally high on the fells Bog Cotton continues to flower like fallen snow.
Wow Glenda! Nice pictures. Very educational I might add. Did you get a new camera?