Monday, 15 October 2018

After the Storm

On Friday and Saturday Storm Callum caused havoc with heavy rain and high winds.  At 2:30 on Friday afternoon our electricity went off.  Other properties close-by were off for a short while but we had no electricity for 12 hours.

Today investigations into the cause of the power failure at Pry House Farm get underway.

We have nothing but praise for Northern Powergrid who came out on that stormy night to help us.  
The men were professional, positive and friendly and determined to get our supply back on. By 2:30 in the early hours of Saturday morning we were reconnected with the help of a generator.

A big thank you to everyone involved.

Saturday, 13 October 2018

Refurbed ensuite bedroom - take a peek!

I love my new look en suite guest bedroom - its sumptuous!

The bed still faces the window to maximise the view for my guests - from the moment they awake.
I've chosen a country check for the headboard and matching window seat.

And rural style china complements the look.

A new carpet was a 'must' but my 1930s Triang dolls house retains its pride of place.
Despite being special you are welcome to play with it.  
It was bought as a toy for two very lucky little girls (my mum and her sister) 
and it is still a toy - but for grown ups!

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Setting off in the right direction

Returning some of our stock ewes back to the moor

When farmers gather their sheep on these vast open moors inevitably there is going to be some mixing up.  Phone calls are made and messages left and sheep belonging to a neighbouring farmer are collected or returned.

Once they have been checked over they are taken back to their place on the moor .....
 and set off in the right direction.

'Til the cows come home

We have had some wonderful weather all summer and our cows have had the high pastures on which to range, to have their calves outside, rear them successfully and act naturally as herd animals.

but the forecast for the next couple of days is poor and it would be unwise to leave them outside any longer so today Chris coaxed them home.......

past an old cow house and down to the buildings adjacent to the farmstead.