Tuesday, 18 September 2012

A New Hobby! Proddy Mat Making

On Sunday I went to Killhope Lead Mining Centre in Weardale to take part in a Proddy Mat Workshop.  I absolutely loved it and brought home a part completed mini mat which, when finished, will become a wall hanging.  When making proddy mats you work on the reverse side so this is what you can see in the photo.  Its great when you turn it over and see all the colours fused together.  The finished result will (hopefully!) be a dales scene complete with meadow, river, fell and sky.  I can't wait to get started on it again but have to wait until I can borrow a frame.  Once I get going I will need an endless supply of wool coats, wool jumpers or fleeces to cut up to make the 'clippies' so please don't throw anything away that I may be able to use.   
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Twins Calves Again

This morning twin calves were born outside in Firs High Pasture.
Unusually, this is the second set of twins born on the farm this year.

It was a bright morning but a bitterly cold north wind blowing so Chris decided it would be best to bring cow and calves into the buildings. Also this way he can make sure that both calves are feeding and doing well.  Chris is makes the job of moving the cow look easy in this photo but don't be fooled!  Cows with new calves are not to be trusted and Chris was exercising extreme caution.  She soon realised that something was up when the tractor and trailor and quad bike appeared in the field and the darker calf got seperated from its Mum.  I stayed in safety of the bike trailer and left the fun and games to the men. Once or twice she looked as if she might run at them and they got out of her way very quickly indeed!   
When she had both calves with her she settled down and was soon loaded into the trailor.

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