Sunday 9 February 2014

Remember Goliath? Just Look at Him Now!

When Goliath was born last spring he was enormous!  We don't usually name our lambs (impossible when there are several thousand) but Goliath was so unusually large, his nick-name stuck.  He wasn't terribly well when he was first born - his journey had probably been a difficult one and he was weak and shocked - but with some careful monitoring and a lot of luck he pulled round and soon grew into a big, strong lamb.
He is not the best Tup Hogg of the bunch, mainly because of the long, dark birth mark across his shoulder, but occasionally its a case of 'size matters'.  He is easy to spot in the building as he stands head and shoulders above the rest. 

He is also very well bred so we will probably keep him and breed from him ourselves.

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