Flowers of Swaledale
Swaledale is famous for its flower rich hay meadows that stand knee high in buttercups, pignut, wood's cranebill, clover, eyebright and much more. They are truely beautiful but its not always easy to predict when they will be at their best. All it takes is a rush of good growing weather for the grasses to grow up through them or for them to be flattened by heavy rain to spoil the effect.
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Cowslips |
The wide variety of wild flowers that can be seen growing on bank sides, backs of walls, in crevices and ditches, on roadside verges and woodland floors often get overlooked.
The heady, pungent smell of wild garlic can be quite overpowering. Mixed with forget-me-not it becomes perfectly charming.
English bluebells |
As the seasons turn to summer much taller varieties appear such as foxglove, meadow sweet and melancholy thistle.
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Foxgloves |
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Moorland pansies |
Many alpine species live happily in the high hills; moorland pansies, alpine rock rose, tiny woodland anemone, wild violets, wild alyssum & alpine thyme.
My favourites? Without doubt, cowslips & the dainty faces of the moorland pansies.